Discover why Barcelona is a smart city at the heart of innovation

Barcelona consolidates itself as one of the smartest cities in the world: innovation, sustainability, and technology at the service of citizens to improve their quality of life and reshape the urban future. Do you want to learn more details about this transformation? Hola Barcelona takes you there!

Innovation, sustainability, and technology at the service of citizens / Photo: Kaspars Upmanis via Unsplash

The City of Counts is already known as one of the smartest in the world thanks to its commitment to technology, sustainability, and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. The city has developed an urban model based on innovation, combining efficient resource management and sustainable mobility.

The keys that make Barcelona a smart city

Barcelona has leveraged technology to make life easier and more enjoyable. With sensors spread throughout the city, traffic, energy consumption, and air quality are monitored in real time. This helps make quick and intelligent decisions, making the city more sustainable.

Barcelona promotes citizen participation. With platforms like Decidim Barcelona, anyone can propose ideas and vote on projects to improve the city. This creates a direct connection between citizens and government decisions.

Urban planning is also undergoing a complete transformation. With the Superilles (Superblocks) project, spaces are being created where traffic is limited to make way for greener streets, with areas for pedestrians, bicycles, and community activities.

Sustainable mobility

Regarding transportation, Barcelona and its metropolitan area have also made significant progress. Electric buses, shared bicycles, and an efficient metro contribute to reducing pollution.

At TMB, by 2024, 100 new zero-emission vehicles will have been added to the network, meaning TMB will end the year with 242 zero-emission vehicles, 196 of which are electric and 46 powered by hydrogen, representing 25% of the fleet's service. Examples include the H16 and V15 lines, both fully served by electric vehicles, the H12 line, which will be fully electric by the end of the year, and the X1, which has incorporated 8 vehicles powered by green hydrogen, supplied by the pioneering installation in the Zona Franca.

In addition to the push for green energy in buses, the low environmental impact of the metro should also be noted, despite the high volume of passengers it transports. Even so, energy and environmental efficiency efforts are significant in the metro system as well, such as the supply of 100% renewable electricity for the metro for the 2022-2023 period, through a public contract carried out jointly with other operators in the state.

In terms of energy, the city is committed to renewables. Another example is the Districlima system, initially implemented in the Forum and 22@ areas, which takes advantage of residual energy from industrial processes and the combustion of urban waste to generate heating and cooling efficiently, contributing to decarbonization and better air quality in the city. It has now become a European benchmark for sustainability.

Immerse yourself in Barcelona's technological atmosphere

We can see that Barcelona is a hub for innovation. With events like the Mobile World Congress, startups, and tech companies choose the city to develop new ideas that continue to transform the urban space and improve the lives of its inhabitants. The event, with its ability to bring together professionals and investors from all over the world, has become an essential platform for presenting the latest trends and technological advances.

If you're a science and technology enthusiast, Barcelona offers several spaces worth exploring. Take a look at some of them!

Electric buses contribute to reducing pollution / Photo: TMB
Mobile World Congress / Photo: Andrej Sokolow

Barcelona is a smart city because it knows how to combine technology, sustainability, and the voices of its inhabitants. Thanks to digitalization and more efficient energy, life in the city has become more comfortable and enjoyable, making it ready to face the challenges of the future.

With this vision, Barcelona continues to be an innovative and inspiring place to live, work, and enjoy. Get ready to explore the smart Barcelona and be sustainable with your mobility too. Hola Barcelona takes you there!
